
Clear Pepper's Resort is realllly nice! I'm so glad to be here in such a beautiful place. The only downside is that the transportation wise is really bad and inconvenient.

Flowers at my balcony!

 This is the view of the villa across the lake.

The villa looks really nice. Its a double storeyed house with a nice balcony facing the lake.

Feeding ducks at the lake. Throw some bread into the lake at they will come waddling your way. There was this duck with a broken leg and the other ducks bully him.

View of the balcony.  

Sam cooked brekkie! A guy cooking brekkie for 2 girls, *feeling a lil ashamed of myself*. Well, I shall learn how to cook! There was pancakes with honey and banana yummy! 

Clear blue sky to start the day!

Wonder how these ducks live their daily life, just waddling and waddling all day long, isn't it boring?

This looks so nice! rowing boat in the lake!
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