Checked in at Heritage Hotel. Room is fine, not that fantastic. The pathetic thing about this hotel is the wifi. Its pretty sad, an one-hour per day usage of the internet. Tell me how am I gonna survive with just that?!
After a nap, headed out from the city into the suburban to catch some sights of Auckland! Along the way, I spotted some COWS along the street, like out of no where! It looks really special, like brown and white. Usually the cows spotted in Malaysia is black. Ok, but I seldom see animals around the streets anyway.
Here's the west coast beach. Its the most unique beach I've ever seen, and guess what, the sand is black! Its black in colour cos of the iron present in the sand. If you place a magnet above the sand, you could probably attract some black powdery substance.
Its the summers now, so the sun set especially late, at around 9pm, and thats really awesome cos I'm a night creature and I don't like how shops closes so early and sun sets so early.
Being just beside the whatever ocean it is, seperating Aussie and NZ, the wind is ultimately strong. It never stops blowing, and my hair is all messed up while trying to take a self shot of myself against the sunset. Even my eyelashes almost flew off. Could probably end up being blown and stuck to some aussie chap's forehead while he's chillaxing at the beach.
Despite it being summer, the temperature is around 18 degrees and could fall to around 15 at night. The temperature isn't much of a problem, but the chilly wind is. Just sets you freezing down to your lil toes.
Headed back to the city, and thats the Iconic Skytower. You can never get lost in Auckland City as long as you have that tower as your navigational guide. Just know your directions back to your hotel from the skytower, and whenever you're lost, find that tower and you could get yourself back home!
Nothing much opens after 6, except for food places. One of the only few 24 hour joints at Denny's. Can you believe it?! I had all my meals at Denny's througout my 2 days stay in Auckie. Its just the only choice left at such unearthy hour.
Day 2.
Headed out to the city in search of contact lens solution.
Nothing much was open at 7am, and being the day of Aucland Anniversay Day made the search a more daunting one. Managed to find one at a korean mart. The kiwis are really chillax, unlike Asians who have their shops open before 10m , and beyond 6pm. Kudos!
Some interesting bar places
Thats the sky towers in the day. There's bungee jump from the sky towers but so far havent seen anyone doing that. Must be damn scary for sure, and their screams would be resonating across the whole town.
Met Alicia for brunch and walked around the city. Love this brunch place.
They sell wines as well, and its the sale season.
This Piper Heidseick is HUGE, and its near to a thousand dollars! wow!
Wines are generally cheap here.
The indians would love this shop. Oh ya, but it isn't free whisky so probably they wouldn't.
Just random chairs of bright colours outside the whisky shop. We were snapping pics of the chairs, and this bunch of china peeps walked past us and this china guy A said to B: "what's there to take?" Then B just said to A: "its for the FEEEEL ma".
Ya lor, tourists what, every single random stuff also capture.
This building certainly looks very USA. Wonder what's with all the stairs, doesn't it make it easy for robbers to get into your room/building?
The mall is pathetic, shops with barely anyone patronising. Kinda useless. Shops with the most traffics are those along the main streets, and these lil shops are probably gonna feed on grass and eventually have their items are decked out on sale.
Its just so random that these street wanderers just sleep anywhere on the streets and beg for money?! Like if they're healthy and able bodied, they should just go out there and find some work instead on sleeping on the streets and hoping people would feel sympathetic for them. But its quite funny. I tried taking a secret snapshot of him, and he actually saw and posed for me!
woooo yays, finally some decent street with some shopping.
But the brands are very limited, just those few aussie brands - supre, glassons, valley girl, lush, forever new, temp.
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