Streets of saigon

Visited Saigon and thought that it has one of the worst traffic conditions that I've encountered. Crossing the road seems like an adrenaline life risking activity that i need to hold my breath and run for my life. The street are filled with motorbikes and never ending flow of traffic. But it seems like the locals have their secret code of communication between the drivers because nomatter how chaotic it seems, the accidents I've seen is still minimal.

Chaotic Motorbike Scene

Everyone's going in different direction on the street but they still managed to get through.

Interesting Motorbike Sights

Families on the bike. More often that not, the motorbike could fit an entire family of 4/5. There's also family holding on to their new borns while riding. I thought it was pretty dangerous but it seems like the norm in saigon.

Bikes with Excessive Loads

Locals ferry their goods throughout the city and it was quite amusing to see how creative they got trying to fit everything onto the bike. It definitely takes a lot of balance to carry that much of weight on a 2 wheel drive.

Street Peddlers

Entrepreneurial locals selling all sorts of goods along the street. Most economical way of doing business without paying the hefty rent yet catching the most of the heavy human flow. If you are hungry or itching for a bite, just get down your vehicle and buy some snacks/drinks along the way!

Local Houses and Buildings

The local houses are all skinny, long and colourful. It was inspired by the french colony and it is said that people build buildings that represent them the most - skinny and tall. Most vietnamese are slim due to their healthy diet.

Lazy Lazers

More than often, you will see people idling along the streets and waiting for business to come or time to pass.

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