Day of activities in Mui Ne

Started the day fueled with a sumptuous hotel buffet inclusive in the stay. The morning view of the ocean is just so calming and beautiful, filled with 50 shades of blue.

Headed to the private beach of the resort. The beach is very quiet, just 2 other groups of people so it was quite nice. However, it was too hot to be bearable. Could barely stay there for 20 minutes before heading to the pool and soaking away all the heat again. 

Half day Sand Dune Tour 

Took a half day sand dune tour at only 7USD, which is in a group. Private tour will be 14USD each. There is a choice of sunrise or sunset tour. It was said that the sunrise tour wouldn't be that hot but it will start at 430am and I totally wouldn't wake up so early for that. So I chose the Sunset tour which starts at 2pm. Pickup was at 1.40pm and they went to a few locations to pick up the rest of the tour group.

It will take us to a few places
1) Fairy Stream
2) Fishing Village
3) White Sand Dune
4) Red Sand Dune/ Red Canyon

1. Fairy Stream
The jeep parked by the road and the driver led us through the road to the fairy stream. We were given 40 mins to return to the next destination.

There was a foul fishy smell along the way and realised it was the fish vats where they make fish sauce. 

Dead fishes spotted along the road. Luckily I didn't step on any.

There are signs leading to the entrance of the fairy stream. At the entrance, there's a signboard that says we have to pay to leave the shoes at the entrance, but its free if you bring it to walk along the stream. The stream looks quite dirty and gross so i wasn't very interested in entering the stream.

Was bored after just 10 minutes but there was still 30 minutes to kill before the next destination. 

2.Fishing Village

It was just a stop by the fishing village. The fishing village was quite a spectacular sight. The whole sea and shore area are filled with colourful fishing boats. Its super lame cos I was more interested in the fishing village and yet it was less than a 5 minute stop. The fairy stream which wasn't of much interest took up 40 minutes, so it's quite a waste. Regretted not taking the private tour which would be much more flexible.

3. White Sand dune 

It was a pretty long drive along the shores of Mui Ne where there are beautiful sight of the cliffs and ocean which reminds me of Santorini. Nearing the sand dune, the roads are super bumpy and it was quite a terrible ride on the jeep. Suddenly, a troop of cows were crossing the car and the car crossing the cows. Everyone just gave way to each other.

Finally reached the Sand dunes, which is the highlight of the tour. There are 2 4-wheel drive operators, and it was pretty pricey to rent the jeep. Decided to walk instead. It was a tough climb and walk along the sand dune. My feet sink on every step, and it was even more tedious during the climb up the dune. However once we reached the top, it was a breathtaking sight. Stopped for photo taking session and just resting on the sand.

4. Red Sand Dune
Just as I thought the driver was going to drive us back after the White Sand dune, he stopped over at the red sand dune. I was exhausted by then. Once we got down the jeep, we were hoarded by the sand sled peddlers - kids and villager aunties. They are very persistent and wouldn't budge even when you reject them, and would continue to follow you up the sand dune.

Just as the tour seller said, the red sand dune appears in different colours in different time of the day. Sometimes yellow, sometimes red. 

Sunset view on the Sand dune. The sand dune appears red during sunset due to the light reflection.

There's also villager peddlers selling food and drinks. Over at the white sand dune, there's lesser irritating people around so it was more enjoyable.

Group of uncultured and ill mannered kids. I was sitting at the back of the jeep where this kid riding on his bike and rode past my legs and almost running into my legs on purpose. I screamed at him but he thinks it's very funny and continued doing it. It was damn annoying and I told him to fuck off. It's really annoying when the ill manners of the locals spoil your holiday experience.

Picture with the jeep that seems like it will break down any time. There's 8 people on the jeep and it's very uncomfortable and dangerous. Would recommend a private tour for a more comfortable and flexible tour.

Dinner at Con Chuon Chuon. The interior is nice, a fusion between chinese and vietnamese. Food was much better than previous day's lunch as well, and it was much more enjoyable when there aren't many annoying ill-mannered locals around.

Massage at Forester Spa. 

Wanted a massage badly after a whole day of tiring activities. Initially, we went to a Massage parlour with a Russian guy tending the store. It looked good compared to the unsatisfied massage the day before, so I decided I may want to try this Russian guy tending massage place. But when we went in and took a seat, it looked shady. There was a masseur who just came out of the shower and the guy ushered us to one of the room when we haven't even chosen a massage. I asked for the menu and saw that the prices are more expensive than the menu on the desk outside where the russian guy tended. Felt a little uncomfortable and we quickly left!

Thank goodness we left if not wouldn't have chanced upon forester spa. It was along the street and quite poshly designed. Went in to query about the massage they have. It was on promotion - 90 mins for 20SGD which seems is very reasonable for a posh looking massage place. Then, a car arrived to pick us up to the massage place which is at a different location. 

In the day, the rooms overlook the beach so you could get a nice view of the ocean while enjoying the massage. Sadly, it was at night and couldn't see anything. It was one of the better massage I had, but it was only because I requested for a stronger massage. Then the other masseur said its relaxing massage so it's not strong. But I just thought it was for me to relax, and not meant for the masseur to relax right. But overall, it was still a very enjoyable massage. I'm glad I had a good one before leaving.

There are many massage shops along the street for $10 SGD for an hour, but the experience is quite bad. Quite unprofessional masseur who will start gossiping about the customers and slack in massaging after a while which I hate. So I would recommend going for a more professional looking shop instead of the budget ones.   

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