Horseback riding in the safari

Today's outfit of the day is summer 2015's latest trend - tribal style! 
Top: Zara
Pants: H&M
Bangles and Necklace: Primark
Sandals: Charles and Keith

Most of the new arrivals this season are tribal prints. I've never really ventured into this look so I will just give it a try. The pants are so comfy, but they draw a thin line between looking auntie/pajamas looking like and tribal stylish, so the key is accessorising and having a plain top. Prints on prints is overkill. 

Today, Im up early and ready to head to Krugersdorp National park for horseback riding. My initial plan was to go for the day tour at pilansberg nature reserve + sun city. It requires a visa stamp cos it's out of the gauteng area. However, I wasn't able to get the visa stamp at the airport. Was pretty upset initally but I managed to find an alternative, and that's with Henry's Horseback Riding in the Safari. It's still located within the gautend province so it wasn't an issue. 

Henry's Horseback Riding in the Safari website:

Price: 750 Rand
Pickup: 8am - 830am

There are other operators on the internet but this is just convenient as there's a brochure in the hotel. 

Me and my partner in crime. The journey to the national park took almost an hour, and along the way we saw beautiful and scenic views of the rural area. 

When we arrived at the horseback riding lodge, we had to sign and indemity form. Very smart - they protect themselves from all sorts of blames and pass the risk to us. Then they gave us a hat which we can choose to wear it or not. For me, it just completes the look, then i realised how useful it was in blocking the sun on my face throughout the ride. It was a cloudless day with beautiful clear sky and strong sun.

The guy could tell that I wanted a white horse. oh how he read my mind!!! This is cloudy and she's a female. 

First sighting was the giraffe and I was so excited to see the giraffe! It's super tall and this giraffe was the only one that didn't run away when the troop of horses approached him.
I was at it's backside and was hoping it doesn't let any gas out/shit/pee.

The tall yet docile animal. super loving it.

The family of 3 which ran away when our troop of horses approach them. I'm amazed how they are all facing the same direction in the same angle. It's like they knew people were around snapping family portrait of them. 
Managed to catch Mr Giraffe in the background.

More animals in the sighting. It was such a magnificent sight. I felt like I was in the nat geo filming location. A vast piece of land with barely and tall buildings/civilisation - just nature in its original form, animals grazing, interaction between the animals. They seem to have a formation when they travel and that's pretty amusing. 

Camouflaging is in their nature.

Holding on to my dear life cos this female horse apparently has some mood swing. At times, it just keep stopping by and can't make up its mind if she wants to eat this plot of grass. Then all of a sudden, she gallops and caught me off-guarded. There's this time she totally went under a tree and i got caught in the branches. It was too late for me to steer her to the right to avoid the tree, and I had to use my right hand to break some branches, my left hand holding on to the saddle for my life. It left a huge patch of abrasion and scratches on my left arm. The only lucky thing was my face was scratch free and I didn't fall off the horse. 

After almost 1 hour of riding and animal sighting it became quite tiring. My leg muscles were aching and I was dying to head back to the lodge. However I was still taking in the beauty of the safari and remembering as much of it.  

Ok, I think cloudy is tired too. It's a memorable and unforgettable experience partly cos of my injury, but I still thought I had to do this. It's not all the time that I travel to S.Africa and probably not a destination I would travel to on my own for a holiday. 

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