This is my second time to the Hollywood Sign in 2 months. I remember how badly I wanted to go this place yet no one wants to go, so I was with another colleauge and attempted to drive here. We got lost and gave up! This time, just when I'm not exactly keen in visiting, it happened that most people wanted to visit. It's always the case - Murphy's Law.
Address is: 3000 Canyon Lake.
On the other side of the hilltop, this is the breathtaking view of the city and a beautiful lake.
Always welcome the view of this 2 rows of palm tree - which is oh so califonia! But I do love California for its abundance of sunshine and everthing-seems-so-chill, yet so lively and happening. It's hard to get out without a car and at times you have to just tag along whoever drives.

Stopped by at Hollywood downtown and we split for an hour to do our individual shopping.
It came as a surprise that we could get into the filming of American Next Top Model Cycle 22. We had to register, state our hair skin clothes colour and get a Orange band, then the staff was taking an individual picture. We are all getting excited!
While waiting, this cameraman was going around interviewing the audiences and this chinese guy pointed to our group and said we seem interested appearing in the video. Well, since he already laid us a chance why not! It's an experience anyway and I doubt its easy to come by.
J-Alexandra strutted in, did his stuff.
then TYRA BANKS strutted in and gave a speech which had the crowd roaring. She spoke about how a model doesnt need to be a size 0 or size 2 as long as she's confident, so inspiring.

Didn't catch the entire show as we had plans to catch the sunset at santa monica.
It was a memorable trip to the hollywood and I didn't regret or got upset a single bit that my friend went to Disneyland without me! But i really do wanna go Disney my next trip . Ive been a disney fan ever since watching Cinderella on theatre!!
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