Touched down in sydney and checked in to Hilton Sydney. Its right smacked at the city center so getting around, eating, shopping is convenient! However, the wifi service is one of the worst in the world, like seriously! The wifi was down the entire day and they just connect you to their external service provider help desk when you have a problem with the wifi. Took me awhile to get it done and I couldn't get any wifi till just before bedtime.

Just after a nap, headed out to sydney opera house! There's a free shuttle bus, 555 and green in colour opposite the hotel which brings us to circular quay. From there, its just a short walk to the opera house!

Just after a nap, headed out to sydney opera house! There's a free shuttle bus, 555 and green in colour opposite the hotel which brings us to circular quay. From there, its just a short walk to the opera house!

Took a ferry from circular quay to darling harbour cos I wanted to see the fireworks. Just nice that it was a saturday and there's fireworks every saturday! The ferry ticket only cost 5.60AUD for a one way trip. Ohh the ferry even has a name, and he's Mr Alexander!

Gotta get a ticket at the ticket counter at Booth 5. There's also a ticketing machine for self-service.

When the ferry first stopped, we all thought we have reached and happily jumped off the boat till we heard the crew saying "To darling harbour, here". oooooooops! Then we rushed back onto the ferry again!.

The exhibitionist koala! Just one little koala being put out there in the open area and everyone was trying to snap a picture of this cute little animal! Seems like my next trip to aussie is to the zooooo to see koalas and kangies!

Randomly popped into a pizza joint to have pizza. Its just outside the area where the fireworks are gonna be put so at least we won't miss it.

Attracted by the loud music and the crowd, so we took a peep into what's going on. This duo street busker dancer has good moves and rather entertaining. They go around doing handstands, somersault, spinning each other around and they must have been practising alot!

Waited for awhile before the fireworks started. Its supposed to start at 8pm as said on the internet, but till 830 that it began! Arghhhh but its super nice and I love it! So, the wait is still quite worthwhile.
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