The breakfast area in the centre looks really posh. Actually the food is soso only, but since its free there's nothing to complain about! The service is good too and that explains why indians are ever so demanding! Took too much food but I couldn't finish it in the end!
Took a picture with the porter! He looks super cute with the mario mustache! He apparently have to leave it long and gel it this way!
Taking the transport. Luckily she brought me around and was able to communicate with the driver and he brought us to the spa place. The driver even offered to bring us to the markets which sold carpets and local goods but I wasn't too interested. Was more interested in getting the beauty fixes.
The roads are very unsafe! They just drive like its their grandfather's road and when they turn, it goes so close to your that you have to jump back a step in order to save yourself!
I did swedish massage while she did hair mask. Not really that cheap but at least it seems cleaner.Also did eyebrow threading and upp lip threading for altogether 5sgd! wooo
I was quite amused to see the shops and everything in tamil wordings. It should be the case since its india, but its my first time seeing it.
The air is really dusty, and its quite hot also, so its kinda uncomfortable getting around.
Had a big coconut to quench thirst. Its only 50c, but its not sweet nor cold. Houseflies partied around the area! Gross!
Then, went to a salon for leg waxing cos the previous salon one was kinda ex. After the massage, my skin was still oily from the oil they used on me, so the lady had to wash the oil off for me. Initially she just used soap and wiped it off, then it was kinda slow. So, she brought me to the toilet to wash my leg, but the toilet was so dirty and gross and I was very reluctant to take a step further in. . With my disgusted face they were like telling each other how I thought their salon was dirty that I didn't really want to step into the toilet. I couldn't understand them at all but I could feel that they were talking about me. So annoying, I wanted to ask her to stop talking and faster finish washing my leg cos I couldn't stand being in that toilet.
Haha, she said my leg damn smooth and fair, and thought I was only 18 years old! HAHA, must be the short hair!
I only paid around 6sgd for full leg waxing, damn worth it, but the toilet damn gross!