Pisa the Leaning Tower

Took a day trip from Florence to Pisa. The train ride was only 1 hour and tickets at 6 euros. The tickets can be easily purchased at the Florence train station at the ticket machine, so it's very convenient. Usually I purchase it just before leaving, so that I won't miss the train compared to buying it way in advance.

From the train station, walk opposite to a bus stop. There's a bus that runs around the city that brings people to the Pisa Leaning Tower area. It's not hard to miss as hordes of tourists will be rushing over to the bus stop. The bus was so crowded and there was this couple who started quarelling - one wanted to take the bus and one wanted to walk. Then the guy told everyone she's a pickpocket! Lol, either he's sabotaging the girlfriend or that he's really being very mean. But of course upon hearing that, i grabbed my bag tighter! 

Pisa's Cathedral Square - Past by some other monuments and cathedrals from the entrance.

Finally spotted the Pisa Leaning tower! It is known worldwide for its unintended tilt to one side. It is situated behind the Cathedral and is the third oldest structure in Pisa's Cathedral Square after the Cathedral and the Baptistry. The tower's tilt began during construction, caused by an inadequate foundation on ground too soft on one side to properly support the structure's weight. The tilt increased in the decades before the structure was completed, and gradually increased until the structure was stabilized (and the tilt partially corrected) by efforts in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Classic tourist pictures, all trying to lean/support the structure.

It is possible to take a hike up the tower, but the earlier timings for the climb was taken up. Even on the day before the trip, I tried making online reservation but it was all quite sold out,so I gave it a miss.

The fallen angel.

There's plenty of souvenir shops outside the Pisa Cathedral Square. Most of the items are similar and quite reasonable in price.
SImpons Pisa Tee.

Half a day at the Pisa would be sufficient because there's only the Tower which is of interest. Afterwhich, we went back to florence for more sightseeing. 
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